Wednesday, 9 May 2012

Real Life Barbies/living dolls

There are many girls around the world globally on the internet who influence other young girls on how to look different from how they usually look. These girls simply post video's and gives a step by step guide on how to apply all the beauty cosmetics to look so what they call pretty. 

These are just two of the real life barbies/living dolls that are giving tutorials on how to look like a 'real barbie' and a 'real doll'.They are teaching them how to look fake, plastic, and to portray the image across of getting the perfect beauty image. These looks are going global, and it is a well known look that has been trending for a while now. To be able to look like this, it takes up to 2 whole hours just to create the living doll look of layers and layers of makeup. Some of the videos have reached up to a high of over 25 millions views and I wouldn't be surprised if most of that population is made up of young girls. I think that these type of makeup styles influence girls in the wrong sort of way. Experts have come to awareness of how many young girls are viewing youtube clips such as these and how it is affecting them from a young age. Experts such as Dr Gray who is the clinical director at the British CBT and counselling service, expressed that from a young age emphasis on physical appearance could cause 'disastrous consequences' which could lead on to and encourage anxiety, depression and eating disorders. She also said, 'At any age placing too much value on physical appearance can be potentially detrimental to a person's self esteem and sense of self worth.'There was a recent survey carried out in taiwan of 13,000 students which revealed nearly half of them starting browsing on the internet before the age of seven years old and even some as early as 3 years old. The internet is a powerful source of the media which can affect and influence so many girls confidence of their own body image and it is scary to know that girls as young as the age of 3 could be influenced from that early on. 

This video is a great example of how the media can effect what the real image of beauty is and how it manipulates peoples minds into thinking, if you buy this product you will have perfect clear skin etc, but in real life the media's way of beauty is all computerized and not natural.