Wednesday, 9 May 2012

Real Life Barbies/living dolls

There are many girls around the world globally on the internet who influence other young girls on how to look different from how they usually look. These girls simply post video's and gives a step by step guide on how to apply all the beauty cosmetics to look so what they call pretty. 

These are just two of the real life barbies/living dolls that are giving tutorials on how to look like a 'real barbie' and a 'real doll'.They are teaching them how to look fake, plastic, and to portray the image across of getting the perfect beauty image. These looks are going global, and it is a well known look that has been trending for a while now. To be able to look like this, it takes up to 2 whole hours just to create the living doll look of layers and layers of makeup. Some of the videos have reached up to a high of over 25 millions views and I wouldn't be surprised if most of that population is made up of young girls. I think that these type of makeup styles influence girls in the wrong sort of way. Experts have come to awareness of how many young girls are viewing youtube clips such as these and how it is affecting them from a young age. Experts such as Dr Gray who is the clinical director at the British CBT and counselling service, expressed that from a young age emphasis on physical appearance could cause 'disastrous consequences' which could lead on to and encourage anxiety, depression and eating disorders. She also said, 'At any age placing too much value on physical appearance can be potentially detrimental to a person's self esteem and sense of self worth.'There was a recent survey carried out in taiwan of 13,000 students which revealed nearly half of them starting browsing on the internet before the age of seven years old and even some as early as 3 years old. The internet is a powerful source of the media which can affect and influence so many girls confidence of their own body image and it is scary to know that girls as young as the age of 3 could be influenced from that early on. 

This video is a great example of how the media can effect what the real image of beauty is and how it manipulates peoples minds into thinking, if you buy this product you will have perfect clear skin etc, but in real life the media's way of beauty is all computerized and not natural. 

Sunday, 29 April 2012

Over View of Easy A

In the movie Easy A there are different stereotypes and counter types portrayed throughout. This film is different from the typical teenage films because it doesn't necessarily have the obvious stereotypes. You have to think about the stereotypes and how it is created. For example, Olive Penderghast who becomes the center of attention in the high school from rumors spreading around the school about her sleeping with people. These rumors are not true because of Olive being a caring person and looking out for the others who wanted to become noticed. Another stereotype that is portrayed in this movie is the 'christians'. The christians of the school are very judgmental on everyone else's actions, such as believing all the rumors about Olive they torment her in saying she's a whore going to hell. A countertype example from the movie that is used is played by a character called Brandon. He is the typical gay guy of the school. But cleverly the director Will Gluck, has not made him an obvious gay guy because he blends into the crowd with what he is wearing. (jeans and t shirts like all the other boys in the movie)

This image is and example of what Olive's outfits would look like through the movie when she went to school. She added an 'A'(adultery)to all of her clothes, to portray that she easy and she wants everybody to know it too.    
This video is an example of Olive being a 'slut' counter type in the movie when really her character isn't really that. 

Teen Magazines

Girlfriend Magazine:
The magazine i analyzed was the teen magazine called 'Girlfriend'. Even just by reading the name of the magazine there are connotations portrayed. Such as, girly, gossip, celebrities and relationships. 

The Front Cover:
The front cover of the magazine had an image of a well known celebrity who teenage girls are fans of, Lea Michele. She is a famous singer and actress from Glee which is a television series. Some of her features were tanned, dark hair, dark brown eyes, pretty and she was wearing a pink top. Some of the colours on the front cover of the magazine matched her pink top that she was wearing. This colour is a very feminine and girly colour which attracts the teenage girls eye. On the front cover there is also an image of One Direction and Taylor Swift. These images are on the front cover because they are well known celebrities in the media at the moment, who the teens are crazing over. Therefore they are wanting to know all the gossip of what it says inside the magazine about these celebrities. This is a trick into the teenagers actually buying the magazine. Stories on the front cover are also mentioned such as, "The Hunger Games...Let the new obsession begin."  The Hunger Games is a new release movie which is as big as having made around $150 million. Also Reece Mastin is also said. Stories such as these are mentioned on the front cover because they are new and exciting, big things that are occurring in the media at the moment which the teens who are buying these magazines are interested in. 

Inside the Magazine:
Inside the magazine we tallied up the amount of advertisements that were being featured.
Make-up: 4
Skin care: 5
Hair Products: 1
Clothing/jewellery: 6
Technology: 7
Other: 9
So apart from other, clothing and jewellery tallied up to being the highest advertisement of these two products in the Girlfriend magazine. In the magazine there was a lot of advice on relationships and boyfriends because a wide range of teenagers have problems with these issues and are looking around for advice. What fashion is in right now and what clothes you should be buying at the moment. Beauty is also another main focus because there is lots of skin care and make-up advertisements. It does prove that lots of teenage girls throughout the world are self conscious of their looks. 
In the magazine most of the models are stereotyped as tall, pretty and skinny. Some celebrities in the magazines are offered as role models, such as TK off Shortland Street because he is in a non smoking ad supporting that he doesn't agree with smoking. And also Lea Michelle and Ido Drent. This is because teenagers look up to these sort of famous people so they are interested in seeing what they are doing. In the usual teen magazines, we only really usually see the same sort of people such as the pretty skinny girls, not different ethnicities. There isn't a wide range of different people we see in the magazine. 

Thursday, 22 March 2012

Example of Stereotyping on Mean Girls:

This scene in the movie Mean Girls directed by Mark Waters is a great example of portraying stereotyping in a high school. Janis Ian is showing Cady Heron around the cafeteria at her new school and naming all the different groups that there are at the school. These groups are created by their likes and interests.


A stereotype is usually a process of categorizing or having a mental picture of specific types of individuals or about common members of a group based on their assumptions and appearances. 

Our society usually makes a stereotype by instantly making a quick judgement just by looking at what they look like. We also like to put things in categories that we see so in our heads it makes sense to us. Stereotypes also have an influence on people because we usually prefer to hang out with people who have the same interests that we have. 

The media is a main source of manipulating everyone minds throughout the world. The media uses stereotyping because it is useful to provide a quick identity for an individual or a group so then they are easy to be recognized by an audience. This then gives the audience an image of this individual or group so they know what their personality and interests would be like. It is also one of the most powerful